February News!

Important Dates:

February 14th: Valentine’s Day Party ~ 12:50-1:50pm
February 14th: NO SCHOOL (Teacher Inservice Day)
February 17th: NO SCHOOL (President's Day)
We have been working all year on building our stamina during reader’s workshop and finding books that are just right for us. Since it is the new year, we are working on/setting personal goals to improve our decoding and comprehension. Reading is thinking and we have been using our thinking for new learning from all the nonfiction text features that authors use and thinking strategies to help us understand and interact with texts. Our thinking strategies include determining importance, paraphrasing, keeping track of our thinking and learnings we read.

*Make sure your kiddo is reading a mixture of fiction and non-fiction texts*

The kiddos have published their narrative writing books and have become real authors! They are so excited and have worked so hard during their small moment writing unit. We have moved to our informational writing and have begun “teaching books”, where the students have become experts on a topic and will teach their readers about their topic. They have been flying through books and have really fostered a love for writing. This unit goes perfectly with our determining importance strategy, nonfiction texts that we are reading and our social studies unit with American heroes and symbols.

We are working on noticing patterns on a number grid. Counting by 1's and 10's, learning to read and write numbers past 10. (ex., fifteen, twenty, one hundred etc.) This month we will begin a new topic. Topic 8 focusses on reading & writing numbers 11-19, showing groups of 10 with connecting cubes, grouping tens to solve problems, counting tens and ones to find a two-digit number, using drawings to solve problems with tens and ones, breaking apart the same number in different ways and using patterns and structure to solve problems.

Social Studies/Science
We have begun our unit on American Heroes and Symbols with a discussion about Martin Luther King Jr., as well as Rosa Parks and Ruby Bridges. In February we will learn about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln for President's Day.