
Believe it or not, homework is an essential part of First Grade. It gives the students a great opportunity to begin organizing the use of their time and to set up successful habits that will last for years to come. Homework should not take long or be frustrating.  I believe 10-20 minutes is appropriate for this age, depending on their mood and your family schedule. You know your child best, so use your judgment when deciding how much time your child spends doing homework. As a first grade team we feel the most important homework activity your child can do is reading daily.  This could include either your child reading to you, or you reading to your child.

Another aspect of our homework is playing math games that support our Investigations math curriculum.  These give the opportunity for the children to practice what they’ve learned in class.  Look for materials that might include game boards and cards.  Please create a place to keep these materials.   Your child will need them throughout the year. 

As mentioned earlier, Homework folders will come home each Monday and should be returned each Friday with their completed homework inside. 

Homework provides the opportunity to begin to learn responsibility and time management.  Please help your child practice these behaviors.
If you/your child ever has any questions about the homework, please contact me!

*Other activity ideas will come home as the year continues and their needs advance, but hopefully this gives you an idea of where to start.  Set aside a time and spot for daily homework routines and you will definitely see increased progress over time.  Remember that the attention span of your child is short and homework shouldn't be frustrating.  Five or ten minutes may be enough on some days and other days your child may be motivated and want to work longer.  Make it fun and always remember to read each night.